About Me
Living the Dream
Sometimes I have to pinch myself.
After a long career, and a lot of life, I am now living the dream and working in
my own business. I research people's family history and write the story of their unique ancestral journey.
I have had 30 years of experience so fully understand the difficulties that can
arise when researching. It would be my privilege to carry out research for you.
A significant part of the last 30 years has been spent learning and building up my knowledge. I've lost count of the number of courses, webinars, national and local family history events and reading etc that has given me the expertise and practical experience required to tell your story. Not just a basic family tree but detailed information about how your ancestors lived their lives. Always a fan of Life Long Learning, I am also studying with the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies based in Canterbury.

Never assume that your ancestors didn’t do anything of note. Most of us have ancestors who lived in a very different world where resilience and ingenuity were needed just to survive.
Click here (Harriet’s Story) to learn more about the harshness of life in inner city Birmingham from the 1850s. The subject is my maternal great grandmother.
I will provide you with thorough and reliable research, and always mindful that this is your family who will be treated with respect.
I still remember the thrill of those early discoveries in my family history.
That could be you!
Contact me so we can discuss your ancestral journey.